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One Piece Tcg Meta

One Piece Card Game Meta Tier List

Welcome to Our Meta Report

In this meta report, we will look at the best decks of the One Piece Card Game metagame. We will provide an overview of each deck, its strengths and weaknesses, and how to play it. We will also provide some tips on how to beat the top decks in the current metagame.

The Best Decks in the Meta

The following are the best decks in the current One Piece Card Game metagame:

  • Red Pirates: This deck is based around the Red Pirates from the anime and manga series. It is a very aggressive deck that can deal a lot of damage quickly. It is also very good at controlling the board.
  • Green Don!!: This deck is based around the Don!! family from the anime and manga series. It is a very control-oriented deck that can generate a lot of value over time. It is also very good at protecting its own units.
  • Blue Straw Hats: This deck is based around the Straw Hat Pirates from the anime and manga series. It is a very versatile deck that can adapt to any situation. It is also very good at generating card advantage.
  • Yellow Beasts Pirates: This deck is based around the Beasts Pirates from the anime and manga series. It is a very aggressive deck that can deal a lot of damage quickly. It is also very good at controlling the board.

Tips on How to Beat the Top Decks

Here are some tips on how to beat the top decks in the current One Piece Card Game metagame:

  • Red Pirates: To beat Red Pirates, you need to be able to control the board and deal with their threats quickly. You can do this by using cards that can destroy or bounce their units, or cards that can prevent them from attacking.
  • Green Don!!: To beat Green Don!!, you need to be able to disrupt their value engine and protect your own units. You can do this by using cards that can destroy or bounce their characters, or cards that can prevent them from using their abilities.
  • Blue Straw Hats: To beat Blue Straw Hats, you need to be able to keep up with their card advantage and tempo. You can do this by using cards that can generate card advantage, or cards that can slow down their tempo.
  • Yellow Beasts Pirates: To beat Yellow Beasts Pirates, you need to be able to deal with their big threats quickly. You can do this by using cards that can destroy or bounce their units, or cards that can prevent them from attacking.


The One Piece Card Game is a very diverse and complex game. There are many different decks that can be successful, so it is important to find a deck that fits your playstyle and that you can master. By understanding the metagame and the strengths and weaknesses of the top decks, you can improve your chances of winning.


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